Intelligent Wireless

Many environments where Wi-Fi is needed are far from ideal for such deployments. Warehouses, cold stores and outdoors are just three examples which Toranet have designed and deployed successfully.

Warehouses, for example, are notoriously difficult wireless scenarios, due to very high ceilings, masses of metal shelving, a very mobile workforce, and quite often low power mobile devices as clients. Delivery of a reliable, resilient wireless service within a warehouse also requires tight deadlines. There are no opportunities to get it wrong, redesign and re-deploy while still hitting those deadlines. Toranet have a wealth of expertise and experience which are used to plan, deploy and test to ensure that your warehouse wireless infrastructure is delivered on-time, on-spec and on-budget.

Toranet have often been approached by our manufacturing partners as experts in this, to assist with a re-design or re-work which is required due to unlreliable wireless delivery in a difficult deployment. As a result of the many times this has happened, Toranet has always delivered the performance, reliability and effectiveness which the customer required in the first instance. Every time without fail.

Resilience is a watch-word within Toranet’s design team, and we build this into every design where possible. Incorporating resilience into warehouse wireless is a non-trivial design task, involving far more than just a few extra APs. If done intelligently, we can ensure that the warehouse will continue without even pausing in almost every single-fault condition imagined, and even some multi-fault conditions.

Wireless Security in such difficult scenarios sometimes takes a back-seat, however, it doesn’t need to. There are plenty of ways to provide enterprise-level security for most of the mobile client devices currently in operation. High security doesn’t have to be complex, time-consuing and difficult to manage & support. Cloudpath can provide a secure method to on-board and authenticate all types of mobile client, for warehouse, Enterprise and Guest services. Check HERE for more information.

How Toranet can help

Please contact us if you would like to discuss how Toranet can help provide the right amount of wireless infrastructure for your location.

Enterprise BYOD & Onboarding

Manage BYOD, and enterprise device onboarding onto secure 802.1x networks at scale

Wi-Fi for all Enviroments

No matter the location Wi-Fi can be suited to any enviroment, ensuring conectivity where it’s needed most

Reliable Coverage

Provide total coverage, making reliable network that end-users don’t even notice